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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Buying Plants For Your Garden

When buying plants from a garden center, inspect them closely and avoid any pots with very dry soil. Look also for yellowing leaves, since this may this may mean the plant is starving, or for any ragged leaf edges, since this could be insect damage.
It is also a good idea to avoid buying plants that are past their bloom because you will not benefit from the bloom of the flower. Ask the staff if it is a continues bloom for the spring and summer or just a onetime bloom.
When putting them out in your garden or pots consider the area you live in. In Minnesota we can have frost up till June, but that rarely happens. We had frost here at Halla Nursery in Chaska last Monday May 2nd.
Any transplants you buy will need potting almost immediately, to ensure each plant has enough room to develop. To do this, gently remove the transplant from the cell pack and put it in the a pot with your soil. Remember to do this very quickly as you don't want the roots exposed for any length of time. Loosen up the roots before surrounding them with water. Water the transplant as soon as you can.

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